Hear the young women of Her Words read selections from their creative writing:
Fear, by Neyda S.
My Verse, by Rosie Hudson
Identity, by Daneyah Thomas
What Will Your Verse Be?, by Neyda S.
The Language of Land Unfound, by Ariel Elia
Him, by Neyda S.
A dreamer in a realm of shadows, by Cordelia San
Stripped of Identity, by Rosie Hudson
Bored, by Neyda S.
Things That Cannot Be Compared, by Daneyah Thomas
List of Feminist Words, by Rosie Hudson
List of Words That Make People Uncomfortable, by Rosie Hudson
Lost, by Neyda S.
Frost, by Ariel Elia
How to be, Who to be..., by Cordelia San
Self-Inflicted Burn, by Rosie Hudson
What Will Your Verse Be?, by Neyda S.
Eviction Notice, by Jennifer H.
For George Floyd, by Ariel Elia
Vulnerability, by Rosie Hudson
Little Voice, by Rosie Hudson
Misconceptions About Anxiety, by Rosie Hudson
Expectations, by Rosie Hudson
Untitled, by Neyda S.
Differences, by Neyda S.
Why?, by Neyda S.
Help Me, by Neyda S.
Summer, by Neyda S.
Flash Memoir
Unresponsive, by Rosie Hudson
Her Growth, by Rosie Hudson
I Love Myself, by Rosie Hudson
Disconnect, by Neyda S.
I Remember, by Neyda S.
Flash Fiction
September 2020, by Rosie Hudson